Monday, 17 October 2011

Creating the Poster

This is the layout I came up with for the finished piece. I used the coloured flag as an eye-catching background in order to draw peoples' attention to the poster. I had the idea of displaying the message inside the cross section of the flag from the way the Blighty logo has their name set inside their flag. The rotated canvas is designed to add a dynamic feel to the advertisement, and by extension the talent show itself. I used the star as the central point to the poster with all type and imagery leading out from around that point. This is to make the poster, which is quite busy, easier to digest. It also reflects the style of the flag in the background which has lines leading out from that central point.

I chose to add all the logos of the colleges involved as a way of showing people what KAFEC is about. This is because it became apparent to me asking asking several other students that they (and myself) had never heard of KAFEC and that if this was a way of attracting students, they might be more enticed if they saw that they were competing against all these other colleges. As well as being generally educated on what KAFEC is.

The tagline is set in Century Gothic for two reasons. Firstly that it's a modern looking san serif typeface that is legible and welcoming in its design. I'd originally set it in Bebas and then in Aroura but both these typefaces proved too harsh for what is essentially body type. The tone of voice for this message should be friendly and inviting and I think Century Gothic achieves this. The second reason is that I've noticed that K College uses Century Gothic (or very similar) in all its own advertisements and correspondence. Therefor it seemed appropriate to continue this theme and include Century Gothic in my own piece as it makes the poster associate itself with the College it's being displayed in.

Kerning and Final Touches

As a finishing touch to the poster I kerned the letters in "KFECs GOT Talent" in order to tighten up overall appearance of the type. Some of the letters, at this large scale, appeared distant from the rest of the word they were part of. I also added a gradient to the purple cross just to add a bit more life to the design. I'd originally thought the poster looked quite flat with it's block colours and sharp lines, so I think this worked really nicely. It also has the nice effect of illuminating the star as if it were glowing. Again this just gives the piece more energy and suggests to the audience that the talent show is also quite glamorous.

Overall I'm very pleased with what I've created in such a short space of time. I think the poster is bold, eye-catching, colourful and energetic. All the things that run parallel with ideas of show-business. I also think it successfully associates itself with the Britains Got Talent brand enough that people understand its relation to the show but is different enough that it doesn't get mistaken for actually being a poster for 'Britains got Talent'.

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